ANNO XIX Febbraio 2025.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

I colori del trucco per una 'moda fatta per le donne'. 

Published in Costume & Società
Giovedì, 23 Febbraio 2023 16:14

Fashion Week de Milán apunta a batir récords

Esperan crecimiento financiero y audiencia. 

Published in Negocios esp
Martedì, 04 Ottobre 2016 18:57

Eccentric touches run through Armani show

Paris - Giorgio Armani's latest show in Paris is filled with eccentric touches. "This collection," he said, "is the result of a vision achieved by looking at my archive, the most particular and eccentric things from Emporio, which is normally seen as a line for young girls who dress like men and copy their mothers.

Published in Art UK

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