ANNO XIX Febbraio 2025.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

Rome - The latest edition of the "Ultimate Travelist", ranking the 50 places that travellers "MUST SEE" posted by the users of the Lonely Planet, the 'Bible' of planetary tour guides, has a bitter surprise in store for Italy, although it also leaves some doubts as to the readers' tastes.

Published in People UK

Rho (Milan) - Angela Merkel visited Milan Expo on Monday. The German Chancellor went to the Universal Exposition with her husband, Joachim Sauer. She was greeted by Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who was accompanied by his wife Agnese, Maurizio Martina, the minister for agricultural policies, Milan Prefect, Gian Valerio Tronca, and the Sole Commissioner for Milan Expo, Giuseppe Sala.

Published in Politics UK

Rome - The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) held the second hearing on Tuesday in the case of the two Italian marines, Salvatore Girone e Massimiliano Latorre, who are accused of having killed two fishermen in India. Italy's defence counsel made its replication in the morning and India's counsel will make theirs in the afternoon.

Published in Politics UK

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