ANNO XIX Febbraio 2025.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

Nice (France) - As France tries to come to terms with the horror of Thursday night’s events in Nice which saw 84 people killed, including at least 10 children, investigators are still focusing on what pushed Mohamed Bouhlel to drive a 20-ton truck into crowds of Bastille Day revellers.

Published in Politics UK

Nice (France) – Around the world people were united in grief and solidarity as they honoured the victims of the attack in Nice.

Published in World UK

Nice (France) – Speaking in Nice, after at least 84 people were killed after an attacker drove a truck through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day, French President Francois Hollande said: “We are facing a very long battle.”

Published in Politics UK
Venerdì, 15 Luglio 2016 19:00

Man injured in Nice describes escape

Nice (France) – Nice’s image as the beautiful capital of France’s sun-drenched south is now thoroughly shattered.

Published in Politics UK

Nice (France) – Eyewitness accounts have begun to emerge after Thursday’s terrorist attacks in Nice.

The driver of the lorry mounted the curb and accelerated into the crowd of people on the Promenade des Anglais, mowing down everyone in its path, according to one man’s account.

Published in Politics UK

Nice (France) - It’s been confirmed that 84 people have died and 200 were injured after a truck was deliberately driven into a crowd of people in the southern French city of Nice.

Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said there were 10 children and teenagers among the dead, with 52 people in critical condition and 25 in intensive care.

Published in Politics UK

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