ANNO XVIII Luglio 2024.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

Mercoledì, 08 Febbraio 2017 22:21

Brexit bill backed by British parliament.

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After three days of debate and the scrutiny of over 140 pages of amendments the British Parliament has passed The European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill.

The Commons voted for 494 and 122 against.

The vote ratifies permission for the government to trigger Article 50.

The Brexit bill will now go to the House of Lords for a two-day debate on the February 20.

Any amendments added by the Lords will go back to the Commons and the back and fourth will continue until both houses agree.

However, Prime Minister May has imposed the end of March deadline , agreed by parliament, at point which Article 50 will be trigged and negotiations with the EU begin.

As a result of the vote
Shadow business secretary Clive Lewis, one of 52 Labour MPs to go against the leadership, has resigned.

He said:” I cannot, in all good conscience, vote for something I believe will ultimately harm the city I have the honour to represent, love and call home.”

One Conservative Kenneth Clarke voted against the bill. (Euronews)

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