ANNO XVIII Giugno 2024.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

World UK (268)

Venerdì, 22 Luglio 2016 21:12

Motorcycle hero of Nice: 'I was ready to die'

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Nice (France) - Footage of a motorcyclist risking his life to stop the Nice truck attack was seen all over the world.
The atrocious war in Syria is dragging on, Turkey is teetering, there is war in Yemen and the Middle East is, again, in turmoil. To discuss the region, we’re now joined by Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Adel al-Jubeir. Welcome…
Giovedì, 21 Luglio 2016 20:15

Turkey/Greece: Soldier's extradition or asylum?

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Ankara (Turkey) - The eight Turkish soldiers who fled to Greece and sought asylum on Saturday received a two month suspended sentence for entering the country illegally.The soldiers deny taking part in the failed coup attempt and claim they left…
A man accused of murdering his sister, a well-known Pakistani model, because he was outraged at her social media activity has appeared in court.
Mercoledì, 20 Luglio 2016 19:10

French parliament votes to extend state of emergency

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Paris (France) - Critics say that it is too little too late. After an overnight debate in France’s lower house of parliament, deputies voted early on Wednesday to extend a state of emergency nationwide for another six months.
A note found in the Afghan axe attacker’s room indicates he may have self-radicalised recently, according to the Bavarian Interior Minister.
Lunedì, 18 Luglio 2016 23:24

Baton Rouge gunman’s anger at police

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Baton Rouge (USA) - The man identified as the killer of three US police officers in Baton Rouge had posted videos complaining about the police treatment of African-Americans.
Nice (France) - Jeers and calls for France’s political leaders to resign overshadowed a minute’s silence in the southern coastal city of Nice on Monday as Prime Minister Manuel Valls and others paid tribute to the victims of the Bastille…
Nice (France) - The man who killed at least 84 people and injured hundreds in Nice on Bastille Day, cased the southern French city’s seafront days before, investigators say. Mohamed Bouhlel drove the 20-ton truck, used to carry out Thursday’s…

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