ANNO XVIII Maggio 2024.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

Lunedì, 06 Luglio 2015 22:29

Albania holds Italian cinema summer festival

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Tirana - Albania is holding an Italian cinema summer festival this year entitled "10 nights with Italian Cinema". Viewings started with "L'Intrepido: a Lonely Hero" by Gianni Amelio and will be followed by "La Sedia della Felicita'" by Carlo Mazzacurati on Wednesday, and "The Human Factor" by Bruno Oliviero, "La Mossa del Pinguino" by Claudio Amendola, and "Noi Credevamo" by Mario Martone.

Rome  - Italian oil and gas giant Eni has started production in the giant Perla gas field, located in the Gulf of Venezuela, about 50 kilometres offshore. The first production well has opened and is currently in the cleanup phase. The field is located in the Cardon IV Block operated by Cardon IV S.A., a company 50 percent owned by Eni and 50 percent by Repsol. Perla is the largest offshore gas field discovered to date in Latin America and the first gas field to be brought to production offshore Venezuela.

Lunedì, 06 Luglio 2015 22:16

Greek banks still closed, European markets plummet

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Rome - European markets dropped on Monday after Greeks voted "No" in the referendum on the bailout conditions for Athens. The session had already opened with all stock exchanges in the red; Milan's Piazza Affari closed with the worst results. With a weighty banking sector, the FTSE MIB fell by 4.03 percent to 21,600 points, the first time it closed under 22,000 points since February, while the All Share dropped by 3.85 percent to 23,099 points. In the banking sector, MPS lost 11.51 percent, Unicredit 6.12 percent, and Intesa Sanpaolo 5.98 percent. All sectors, from industry to energy, closed with losses. Only STM closed higher, gaining 1.72 percent.

Guayaquil  - Pope Francis is heading towards the Parque Samanes where he will officiate the mega-celebration that will be attended by over one million believers, the organisers confirmed. Before initiating the rite, the Pontiff is expected to tour the grounds crowded with people on a Jeep.

Napoli - Sei donne e due soli uomini nella giunta di Vincenzo De Luca per amministrare la Regione Campania. La presentazione questa mattina, nel primo giorno di lavoro. E De Luca assicura "La giunta sara' operativa subito dopo il consiglio regionale di giovedi'".

Banche chiuse fino a mercoledì. Paura in Borsa, Milano crolla

Roma  - Il 'sacrificio' di Yanis Varoufakis per far ripartire i negoziati. Il giorno dopo la vittoria del No al referendum greco, il ministro delle Finanze lascia il suo posto per aiutare il premier Alexis Tsipras, parole sue, a raggiungere piu' facilmente un accordo. Il nuovo ministro e' Euclid Tsakalotos, piu' moderato del suo predecessore, che gia' in questi mesi ha fatto parte del team dei negoziatori.

Caracas (Venezuela) - La creación de objetos en tres dimensiones basados en las características de los planos bidimensionales que los conforman, es el punto de partida de la propuesta artística que exhibirá el creador venezolano Uaio Antor, en la exposición individual TriBimensional, que se inaugurará el domingo 12 de julio a las 11 de la mañana en la galería Graphicart en Las Mercedes, donde permanecerá hasta el 9 de agosto.

Caracas (Venezulea) - Bajo el concepto Persistencia del Silencio, el viernes 17 de julio la Embajada de Francia, la Alianza Francesa y Cultura Chacao presentarán Una Tarde con Atempo, con una programación que tendrá lugar en el Auditorio Tobías Lasser de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, a partir de las 2:00 de la tarde, con entrada libre.

La Asunción (Venezuela) - A partir del lunes 6 de julio y hasta el 9, continúa el   Festival de Cine Francés 2015, en el estado Nueva Esparta, en su edición 29, promovido por la Embajada de Francia en Venezuela y  la Alianza Francesa de Nueva Esparta.

Caracas (Venezuela) - Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para los Talleres vacacionales 2015, que impartirá el CCCH-Centro Cultural Chacao a través de su Coordinación de Extensión Educativa, como parte de la programación formativa que desarrolla en diversas áreas relacionadas con la creación artística y musical, dirigida a niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes.

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