ANNO XVIII Maggio 2024.  Direttore Umberto Calabrese

La Alcaldía del municipio Antolín del Campo hizo entrega del Premio Municipal de Periodismo Víctor Aguilera González a nuestras compañera Desireé Depablos Sedes en Periodismo Institucional

Quito  - "Che non vi siano differenze, che nessuno venga escluso o scartato, che tutti siano fratelli e che nessuno venga escluso da questa grande nazione ecuadoriana". Lo ha derro Papa Francesco al termine della visita al Palazzo Presidenziale dove ha incontrato Rafael Correa e si e' affacciato due volte dalla loggia con lui per salutare prima e poi benedire la folla.

Borse contrastate. Spread a 161. Fmi, rischio impatto su Italia

Bruxelles - "Sono contro la Grexit e lottero' fino alla fine per evitarla": lo ha detto il presidente della Commissione europea Jean-Claude Juncker intervenendo al Parlamento europeo in sessione plenaria a Strasburgo.

Taranto  - Un cingalese e' morto nel crollo in una palazzina di via Pupino a Taranto, causato dallo scoppio di una bombola di gas. La vittima, che aveva 58 anni, aveva tentato di allontanarsi dall'edificio fuggendo in un cortiletto interno dello stabile, ma e' stata travolta dalle macerie del solaio che gli e' crollato addosso.

Prague - The Mosaics of Ravenna are due to go on show in Pilsen, in the Czech Republic. The artistic heritage of the Emilia-Romagna city will be on display at Pilsen Region's Library for Education and Research.

Lunedì, 06 Luglio 2015 22:29

Albania holds Italian cinema summer festival

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Tirana - Albania is holding an Italian cinema summer festival this year entitled "10 nights with Italian Cinema". Viewings started with "L'Intrepido: a Lonely Hero" by Gianni Amelio and will be followed by "La Sedia della Felicita'" by Carlo Mazzacurati on Wednesday, and "The Human Factor" by Bruno Oliviero, "La Mossa del Pinguino" by Claudio Amendola, and "Noi Credevamo" by Mario Martone.

Rome  - Italian oil and gas giant Eni has started production in the giant Perla gas field, located in the Gulf of Venezuela, about 50 kilometres offshore. The first production well has opened and is currently in the cleanup phase. The field is located in the Cardon IV Block operated by Cardon IV S.A., a company 50 percent owned by Eni and 50 percent by Repsol. Perla is the largest offshore gas field discovered to date in Latin America and the first gas field to be brought to production offshore Venezuela.

Lunedì, 06 Luglio 2015 22:16

Greek banks still closed, European markets plummet

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Rome - European markets dropped on Monday after Greeks voted "No" in the referendum on the bailout conditions for Athens. The session had already opened with all stock exchanges in the red; Milan's Piazza Affari closed with the worst results. With a weighty banking sector, the FTSE MIB fell by 4.03 percent to 21,600 points, the first time it closed under 22,000 points since February, while the All Share dropped by 3.85 percent to 23,099 points. In the banking sector, MPS lost 11.51 percent, Unicredit 6.12 percent, and Intesa Sanpaolo 5.98 percent. All sectors, from industry to energy, closed with losses. Only STM closed higher, gaining 1.72 percent.

Guayaquil  - Pope Francis is heading towards the Parque Samanes where he will officiate the mega-celebration that will be attended by over one million believers, the organisers confirmed. Before initiating the rite, the Pontiff is expected to tour the grounds crowded with people on a Jeep.

Napoli - Sei donne e due soli uomini nella giunta di Vincenzo De Luca per amministrare la Regione Campania. La presentazione questa mattina, nel primo giorno di lavoro. E De Luca assicura "La giunta sara' operativa subito dopo il consiglio regionale di giovedi'".

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